Dexter (2006)

Directed by: John Dahl, Steve Shill, Keith Gordon, Marcos Siega, Ernest R. Dickerson, Romeo Tirone, Michael Cuesta, Tony Goldwyn, S.J. Clarkson, Stefan Schwartz, Robert Lieb
Country: USA
IMDb Number: 0773262  IMDb
No. of snapshots: 3126 / 3126
Current Rank: 137 (8.6 with 764,183 votes)
Highest Rank: 54 (26 September 2015)
First entry: 14 August 2015
Last known entry: Today
Directors: John Dahl, Steve Shill, Keith Gordon, Marcos Siega, Ernest R. Dickerson, Romeo Tirone, Michael Cuesta, Tony Goldwyn, S.J. Clarkson, Stefan Schwartz, Robert Lieb
Country: USA (English)
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Color: Color
Year: 2006 (2000-2009)
Runtime: 0 hours 55 minutes 

Cache expires in: 120 minutes